Sqlite3 WebAssembly(sqlite.org)
343 points by whatever3 6 hours ago | 18 comments
simonw 5 hours ago
Something that would be really fun would be to run SQLite in-memory in a browser but use the same tricks as Litestream and Cloudflare Durable Objects (https://simonwillison.net/2024/Oct/13/zero-latency-sqlite-st...) to stream a copy of the WAL log to a server (maybe over a WebSocket, though intermittent fetch() POST would work too).

Then on subsequent visits use that server-side data to rehydrate the client-side database.

From https://sqlite.org/forum/info/50a4bfdb294333eec1ba4749661934... is looks like WAL mode is excluded from the default SQLite WASM build so you would have to go custom with that.

ncruces 3 hours ago
There are many layers of that's not how it works at play here.

In-memory SQLite databases don't use WAL. Wasm (and browser Wasm, in particular) doesn't support anything like the shared memory APIs SQLite wants for its WAL mode.

Litestream requires a very precise WAL setup to work (which just so happens to work with the default native SQLite setup, but is hard to replicate with Wasm).

Cloudflare Durable Objects may have been inspired by Litestream but works very differently (as do LiteFS, Turso, etc…)

The general idea of streaming changes from SQLite would work, but it's a lot of work, and the concurrency model of in-browser Wasm will make it challenging to implement.

(I wrote that forum post some time ago, and have WAL working in a server side Wasm build of SQLite, but none of the options to make it work would make much sense, or be possible, in browser)

digdugdirk 2 hours ago
As someone who uses sqlite fairly regularly, but doesn't understand what most of those paragraphs mean, do you have any recommendations for learning resources?

I'm gathering that I need to learn about: - WAL - Shared Memory APIs - Concurrency models - Durable Objects?

wyager 1 hour ago
WAL: Write ahead log, common strategy for DBs (sqlite, postgres, etc.) to improve commit performance. Instead of fsync()ing every change, you just fsync() a log file that contains all the changes and then you can fsync() the actual changes at your leisure

Shared memory API: If you want to share (mutable) data between multiple processes, you need some kind of procedure in place to manage that. How do you get a reference to the data to multiple processes, how do you make sure they don't trample each other's writes, etc.

Concurrency model: There are many different ways you can formalize concurrent processes and the way they interact (message passing, locking, memory ordering semantics, etc.). Different platforms will expose different concurrency primitives that may not work the same way as other platforms and may require different reasoning or code structure

Durable objects - I think this is some Cloudflare service where they host data that can be read or modified by your users

This is all from memory, but IME, GPT is pretty good for asking about concepts at this level of abstraction

digdugdirk 1 hour ago
Thank you!

And side note on your last point - I've been burned too many times by confident hallucinations to trust my foundational learning to GPT. I hope someday that will improve, but for now ChatGPT is as trustworthy as an evening chat with someone at the bar.

... Someone who has been drinking since happy hour.

jchanimal 1 hour ago
If you like, solving these sort of problems, we are tackling them at Fireproof.

Our database API is modeled on CouchDB and MongoDB, but our storage abstractions are along the lines of what you need to build the multi writer WAL you describe.

More details here https://jsr.io/@fireproof/encrypted-blockstore

jauntywundrkind 2 hours ago
Then don't use in-memory sqlite? Use file backed sqlite but have your wasm implementation of those "system calls" just be to memory?

I dunno, feels like you're coming down too hard.

ncruces 1 hour ago
File backed SQLite in a browser? Do you mean like OPFS?


Again, just because the all the Lego pieces sound like they should all just fit together, doesn't mean that they will.

The VFS mechanism was primarily designed to make SQLite easy to port to multiple OSes. WAL mode is hard to port everytime you step away from a more traditional OS.

“We have SQLite in the browser, let's just stream the WAL like the Litestream hack” does not add up.

It's not impossible, but it surely took a lot of effort at Cloudflare (or at Fly, or Turso) to get there. And neither of them opened it up sufficiently to help us do the same. In a browser.

andrewf 51 minutes ago
I haven't looked but I bet a lot of the WAL complexity comes down to supporting consistency and durability guarantees, neither of which you necessarily need for your in-browser use case.
dustinchilson 5 hours ago
Are you thinking something like https://electric-sql.com/
PUSH_AX 2 hours ago
What’s the catch with this thing?
T-Winsnes 1 hour ago
The security model is challenging, as it relies on Postgres users for iam. Your users essentially log directly into your db
dumbo-octopus 1 hour ago
Isn’t Postgres a fairly capable IAM provider, all things considered? I’d their access control mechanisms at least as much as a run of the mill external backend’s.
T-Winsnes 8 minutes ago
For basic auth it works well, but the challenge comes when you need to integrate with oidc, need to enforce mfa, enable sso etc. session invalidation is also quite complicated.

You need an identity middle man in front of the Postgres identity to tackle these and validate that the session is still active. Last time I looked at electric it was a big challenge to integrate such a service. This might have improved since then however

fcanesin 5 hours ago
Isn't a more advanced/production version of this what the combo of couchdb and pouchdb do since several years ago?
simonw 4 hours ago
Yeah this kind of thing has certainly been tried before, I feel like SQLite WASM plus WAL might be an interesting twist on the idea.
simonw 6 hours ago
Slight point of confusion: that page says:

> These components were initially released for public beta with version 3.40 and will tentatively be made API-stable with the 3.41 release, pending community feedback.

But the most recent release of SQLite is 3.46.1 (from 2024-08-13)

Presumably they are now "API-stable" but the page hasn't been updated yet.

It would be great if the SQLite team published an official npm package bundling the WASM version, could be a neat distribution mechanism for them. (UPDATE: They do, see replies to this post.)

My favourite version of SQLite-in-WASM remains the Pyodide variant, which has been around since long before the official SQLite implementation. If you use Pyodide you get a WASM SQLite for free as part of the Python standard library - I use that for https://lite.datasette.io/ and you can also try it out on https://pyodide.org/en/stable/console.html

    import sqlite3
        'select sqlite_version()'
That returns 3.39.0 from 2022-06-25 so Pyodide could do with a version bump. Looks like it inherits that version from emscripten: https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/blob/main/tool...
sgbeal 3 hours ago
> Presumably they are now "API-stable" but the page hasn't been updated yet.

That's correct. i'll try my best to remember to update that reference the next time i'm back on the computer.

> It would be great if the SQLite team published an official npm package

Not a chance. We publish only vanilla JS and adamantly refuse to go down the rabit hole of supporting out-of-language tools (none of which any of our project members use). We support an "officially sanctioned" npm build, maintained by Thomas Steiner, but do not actively develop for any JS frameworks.

Direct support for any given framework (npm included) would give the impression that we endorse that framework, and endorsement of third-party projects is something we actively avoid.

rezonant 3 hours ago
> We publish ONLY vanilla JS and adamantly refuse to go down rabit hole of supporting the frameworks du jour

A bit confused at this, NPM is just a package manager / distribution mechanism, not a framework. Totally fair if you don't want to publish for all the package managers, though for Javascript there's only a few that are relevant. NPM has been around for a decade.

sgbeal 3 hours ago
> A bit confused at this, NPM is just a package manager / distribution mechanism, not a framework

It's an out-of-language packaging/distribution framework (and it's not the only one). It's not part of the JS standards.

My comments above have been edited to reframe our stance on npm and frameworks in general.

rezonant 2 hours ago
I don't think there will ever be a package manager dictated by the Ecmascript standards.
syndicatedjelly 57 minutes ago
Then ES will continue to remain an outlier among major language implementations
samatman 1 hour ago
I think the communication barrier here is that in JavaScript, framework very distinctly means things like React, Vue, Angular, and so on. It definitely does not refer to projects like Node/npm/Bun/Deno, those are toolchains, sometimes called ecosystems for obscure reasons.

If you changed the word "framework" to "toolchain" in your post I think it would make a lot more sense to people.

Ciantic 5 hours ago
> It would be great if the SQLite team published an official npm package bundling the WASM version, could be a neat distribution mechanism for them.

I think they've been doing that for a while, in JS script you can already do this:

    import sqlite3InitModule from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@sqlite.org/sqlite-wasm/sqlite-wasm/jswasm/sqlite3-bundler-friendly.mjs";

    const sqlite3 = await sqlite3InitModule({
        locateFile(file: string) {
            return "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@sqlite.org/sqlite-wasm/sqlite-wasm/jswasm/sqlite3.wasm";

    // SQLite's C API
    const capi = sqlite3.capi;
    console.log("sqlite3 version", capi.sqlite3_libversion(), capi.sqlite3_sourceid());

    // OO API example below oo1 docs https://sqlite.org/wasm/doc/tip/api-oo1.md
    const oo = sqlite3.oo1;

    const db = new oo.DB();
    const createPersonTableSql = `
        name TEXT NOT NULL,
        age INTEGER NOT NULL
It works in regular old script tag with type=module, or Deno. I have example HTML here:


rblank 6 hours ago

sqlite-wasm loads much faster than Pyodide, so if you don't need Python, then the former is a better choice.

simonw 6 hours ago

    npm install @sqlite.org/sqlite-wasm
wg0 5 hours ago
This would run on client side I presume? Where the data would go?

Okay that's listed here: https://sqlite.org/wasm/doc/trunk/persistence.md

EDIT: Self answered.

simonw 5 hours ago
I built my own little demo page here: https://tools.simonwillison.net/sqlite-wasm

With the help of Claude, though it incorrectly hallucinated some of the details despite me pasting in documentation: https://gist.github.com/simonw/677c3794051c4dfeac94e514a8e5b...

jarpineh 4 hours ago
You can use DuckDB WASM independently of Pyodide and can extend it with SQLite.

Though it seems to be somewhat limited. I couldn't even check what version it has, since sqlite_version() was missing. Version in the repository [1] is 3.38.1, which is from quite a ways ago.

At the moment DuckDB web shell can't load SQLite extension, since that hasn't been released for yesterday's 1.1.2. Earlier version does work using recently updated WASM edition. That can be extended with spatial including GDAL, vector search etc [2]. Making your own "SQL web shell" wasn't too hard, though docs weren't quite complete enough for me.

[1] https://github.com/duckdb/sqlite_scanner/blob/main/src/sqlit... [2] https://github.com/duckdb/duckdb-wasm/releases/tag/v1.29.0

CodeWriter23 5 hours ago
> It would be great if the SQLite team published an official npm package bundling the WASM version, could be a neat distribution mechanism for them.

You may benefit from perusing the FAQ on that page.

chrysoprace 2 hours ago
I've been really interested in the local-first landscape lately but embedding SQLite seems really heavy-weight compared to using the browser's built-in storage APIs (in particular, IndexedDB) and it seems to be what most of the main open source libraries do. I'm interested to see a open-source solution (with sync) which provides an SQLite-like API but for the browser's native storage rather than trying to embed another executable in Web Assembly.
jamesgpearce 1 hour ago
Disclaimer: I'm the author. But you might be interested in TinyBase.
chrysoprace 49 minutes ago
Thanks I'll give it a look! I guess I really was fishing for someone to make a recommendation and I see you have a lot of backend persistence options which I'm very excited about.

Another issue I have with a lot of the new local first products is that they tend to lock you into a particular database type on the backend, so this is refreshing.

koeng 5 hours ago
For use in Golang, I really like ncruces wasm SQLite package - https://github.com/ncruces/go-sqlite3 . Unlike cznic's go package (which is great, btw), the wasm version works well on OpenBSD and the like.
ncruces 3 hours ago
Author here. If you're interested, do ask questions.
TN1ck 2 hours ago
Very cool project! Do you know if this would be possible for duckdb? Is there something about sqlites APIs and wasm build that made it feasible?

Context: Currently using go-duckdb and while it's working for us, getting rid of cgo would be a huge help. Would be quite interested myself to attempt this.

ncruces 2 hours ago
I don't know much about DuckDB's architecture.

Wasm is fine for compute (though concurrency is still a somewhat open question).

To have Wasm talk to the outside world, you need “host calls” where the guest calls the host.

On a browser that's Wasm calling JavaScript. On my Go driver, it's Wasm calling Go.

For server side, there's also a standard set of “host calls” modeled around POSIX/Linux syscalls called WASI.

I could've build my project around WASI, but WASI is rather limited (and SQLite support for WASI was more limited even, it's improved a bit since). DuckDB might work out-of-the-box this way.

I, instead, took advantage of SQLite's architecture and replaced its VFS layer with one in Go: https://sqlite.org/vfs.html

So SQLite in Wasm is just doing compute, and I do all the OS level stuff in Go. No need for Wasm concurrency, cause I can load multiple instances of my Wasm which act like independent OS processes that communicate through the filesystem (SQLite excels at this).

As I said, I dunno how well all those decisions would map to DuckDB.

koeng 1 hour ago
> So SQLite in Wasm is just doing compute, and I do all the OS level stuff in Go. No need for Wasm concurrency, cause I can load multiple instances of my Wasm which act like independent OS processes that communicate through the filesystem (SQLite excels at this).

Interesting. So when I am running concurrent readers using your package, it is just loading multiple instances of the wasm code? (I bottleneck to a single writer in the application)

brandonpollack2 5 hours ago
I was trying to get this working in a rust ecosystem some time ago but none of the blessed.rs sql (rusqlite, sqlx) wrappers seem to take advantage of it yet and wrapping it yourself is a bit tricky since when I was trying I couldn't figure out a way to to get emscripten wasm code to play nice with wasm32-unknown-unknown without some kind of JS wrapper which then requires implementing the interface those crates expect and exposing it from JS. Once that is done in rust itll be great there too!
aabhay 3 hours ago
I have been working on one. If you're interested in working on it or contributing, feel free to chime in here:


This essentially requires that we import the sqlite emscripten build via an extern C header in wasm bindgen, and then we need to re-implement the VFS in rust while compiling it in multi-threaded mode to allow for shared array buffer access. After that is all done, we will be able to access SQLite rows as raw wasm bytes. That gives us the ability to implement a rust-sqlite style wrapper or integration. There would still not be some of the niceties such as connection pooling, but in wasm you likely want to use the db in exclusive mode.

insipx 3 hours ago
Got this SQLite build working with rusts diesel sqlite here: https://github.com/xmtp/diesel-wasm-sqlite

I'm gearing up for a 0.2 release this week which should iron out a few kinks, but otherwise you can use the diesel ORM as if its native

tonygiorgio 5 hours ago
Yeah I’ve been waiting awhile for this myself. A few PRs with work pending for a year or so. I’ve seen some proof of concepts but nothing anywhere close to usable.
insipx 45 minutes ago
you should check out https://github.com/xmtp/diesel-wasm-sqlite

reliable so far, being dogfooded in production as we speak

catapart 4 hours ago
I wasn't able to tell from a quick look through the page: could someone help me understand the use cases here?

More specifically, would this be able to be a "replacement" for indexedDB? Does the data persist, or do I need to keep the sqlite file in the filesytemAPI (or indexedDB/localstorage) myself?

azangru 4 hours ago
From the about page:

> Specific Goals of this Project

> Insofar as possible, support persistent client-side storage using available JS APIs. As of this writing, that includes the Origin-Private FileSystem (OPFS) and (very limited) storage via the window.localStorage and window.sessionStorage backend.

catapart 3 hours ago
Right but, to my eyes, that's vague?

What I'm asking is if I need to manage the sqlite file, as I would on an OS's file system, or if accessing the sqlite library will automatically persist that data to those web-native storages, like the way indexedDB doesn't require me to load an "idb" file and then "save" or "commit" that save. I just access it and write.

To be clear: I'm not asking academically. I wrote a whole library for managing data in indexedDB for local-first apps, and while it works well enough for what I need, it's iDB so it's subject to data deletion (not common, but allowed in the spec if necessary), and it's a pain to work with just because of its nature and API. So I've been waiting to move to sqlite for a while with the only holdbacks being "is it too heavy?", and "how much has to change?". With WASM, I think we're about as lightweight as its going to get. So I'm just curious if this aims to be a drop-in replacement, or if it still expects you to use it like sqlite on a native platform.

TiredGuy 6 hours ago
So after downloading from the official downloads page and stripping away all the mjs files and "bundler-friendly" files, a minimal sqlite wasm dependency will be about 1.3MB.

For an in-browser app, that seems a bit much but of course wasm runs in other places these days where it might make more sense.

jsheard 5 hours ago
It's pretty compressible at least, sqlite3.js+wasm are 1.3MB raw but minifying the JS and then compressing both files with Brotli gets them down to 410KB.
rmbyrro 3 hours ago
A lot of HTML's nowadays have 100 - 300 kb. That's only the HTML (!!).

Adding 400 for such a high quality piece of DB actually borders reasonability.

And makes me think: what the hell are frontend devs thinking!? Multiple MB's in JS for a news website. Hundreds of KB's for HTML. It's totally unreasonable.

jsheard 1 hour ago
> A lot of HTML's nowadays have 100 - 300 kb. That's only the HTML (!!).

I think you can probably blame Tailwind for that.

wahern 1 hour ago
> what the hell are frontend devs thinking!? Multiple MB's in JS for a news website. Hundreds of KB's for HTML. It's totally unreasonable

They're thinking, "adding [some fraction of existing total payload] for such a high quality [feature] actually borders reasonability". Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

coder543 5 hours ago
1.3MB seems perfectly reasonable in a modern web app, especially since it will be cached after the first visit to the site.

If you’re just storing user preferences, obviously don’t download SQLite for your web app just to do that… but if you’re doing something that benefits from a full database, don’t fret so much about 1MB that you go try to reinvent the wheel for no reason.

If the other comment is correct, then it won’t even be 1.3MB on the network anyways.

telotortium 5 hours ago
A megabyte here, a megabyte there, pretty soon you’re talking about a really heavyweight app.
littlecranky67 4 hours ago
We are past the stage where every piece of JS has to be loaded upfront and delay the first meaningful paint. Modern JS frameworks and module are chunked and can be eager/lazy loaded. Unless you make the sqlite DB integral part for your first meaningful page load, preloading those 1.3MB in the background/upon user request is easy.
zdragnar 4 hours ago
Given how hefty images are, a full database doesn't seem too bad for the purpose of an "app" that would benefit from it, especially when compression can being the size down even lower.
flockonus 5 hours ago
It's a good consideration, together with the fact browsers already have IndexedDB embedded. One use case still for in-browser apps like Figma / Photoshop-like / ML apps, where the application code and data is very big anyway, 1.3Mb may not add that much

Also worth considering parsing of wasm is significantly faster than JS (unfortunately couldn't find the source for this claim, there is at lease one great article on the topic)


aidos 5 hours ago
When we built our frontend sync system we tried a few different options. We had a fairly simple case of just trying to store entities so we could pull incremental updates since you were last online. The one we ran in production for a while was IndexedDB but found the overhead wasn’t worth it.

I played around with warm sqlite too. That was really nice but I decided against it due to the fact that it was totally unsupported.

jt2190 6 hours ago
The thing to keep in mind is that the WebAssembly sandbox model means that in theory the program (SqlLite in this case) can run wherever it makes sense to run it. That might mean running it locally or it might mean running on a central server or it might mean running nearby on the “edge”.
deskr 1 hour ago
Sadly, 1.3 MB is nothing on the modern web, especially for a static file. BBC's frontpage loads 3.78 MB.


ncruces 5 hours ago
For server side, you'll likely need a different build of Wasm SQLite, that handles concurrency (and file locking) differently.

Also, WASI is very far from answer (so far). The SQLite amalgamation builds fine for WASI but concurrency is an unsolved issue.

I had to build a VFS from scratch to get my Wasm based SQLite driver into a usable shape.


hawski 4 hours ago
Is there a way to statically compile an application with SQLite and the result WASM was smaller. So for example I have an app that would use only a specific subset of SQLite. Could the SQLite's WASM be built with this in mind cutting down on code that is not used? Or is there a way to prune it having the used API surface?

In a regular compiler/linker scenario it would just be a static compilation. Here we have a JS app and WASM library.

hoten 4 hours ago
Since SQL takes arbitrary strings as input, this would require explicit compiler flags to disable the knobs you don't want. Can't rely on excluding unused symbols really.
parhamn 4 hours ago
WebSQL should've just been Sqlite and the whole offline-first (and general app storage) ecosystem would've been so much nicer.

Is there any hope of that happening? Instead of abstracting and over specifying sqlite, can the spec just specify a version of the SQLite API browsers should support and roll the version periodically?

emn13 3 hours ago
"Rolling the version periodically" is probably quite problematic for browsers. Kind of a key point of the web is that stuff if at all possible keeps working. Breaking changes like that are hard.

Even if the spec just listed occasional version and the webpage could choose which one; that means a potentially tricky maintenance burden on browser to support old versions of a potentially no longer supported sqlite, and each version is another megabyte.

Why not then just choose this solution, and let each website pick its own poison?

If the concern is the repeated downloads of common resources, well, we've accepted that for other CDN's too, and a solution for shared caching of common dependencies would in any case be more valuable than merely for sqlite.

The current approach seems better than a browser-provided version.

simonw 3 hours ago
I for one am glad WebSQL didn't establish itself.

Now we get the most recent version of SQLite when we need it as a 410KB compressd WASM blob, as opposed to being stuck on browser-mandated versions of SQLite that might even be a decade old at this point.

baudaux 34 minutes ago
I definitely have to put sqlite in https://exaequOS.com
bhelx 5 hours ago
I used the wasm build of sqlite and the Chicory runtime to create a pure JVM executed sqlite library: https://github.com/dylibso/sqlite-zero

It's more of an experiment than an attempt to make something production ready, though I could see it being useful to bring dependency-less sqlite tooling to the JVM ecosystem.

ncruces 3 hours ago
What's the file system access like, WASI?
bhelx 3 hours ago
Chicory has some partial wasip1 support. https://github.com/dylibso/chicory/tree/main/wasi. We use jimfs to keep things simple and secure (and not worry about exposing the real filesystem): https://github.com/google/jimfs

When I did this experiment a few months ago, what we could accomplish was pretty limited. I could load and query databases, but not write to them. However the Chicory wasip1 implementation is advancing.

BTW, we've borrowed a few ideas from wazero so thanks for your work there :)

ncruces 2 hours ago
If the goal is to improve Chicory WASI support, this is the way.

If the goal was pure Java SQLite¹, a VFS from scratch would be better.

I think since I started my Go/wazero effort, WASI+SQLite improved a bunch. I had to start with the demo VFS; the Unix VFS now builds. But custom VFS is still the way to go, IMO.

And thanks! My contributions to wazero were tiny. Best of luck with Chicory!

1: strong NestedVM vibes here; 11 years ago… gosh, I feel old now. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18186507/pure-java-vs-na...

bhelx 2 hours ago
> If the goal was pure Java SQLite¹, a VFS from scratch would be better.

agreed, though this was more an experiment to test Chicory once we built initial wasi support. I'd love to see it picked up and improved. I think that's the direction I'd go if i want some kind of production ready library.

jjcm 5 hours ago
As a general question, in what scenarios is it more beneficial to send the full DB and let the browser handle the queries? Maybe phrased a better way - when would I use this to improve a user experience over the traditional server-hosted db model?
ThatPlayer 3 hours ago
Personally I'm using it for a statically hosted website, so a server-hosted database was never an option. Also with the right driver, it's possible to stream the chunks of the database as needed rather than sending the full database: https://github.com/mmomtchev/sqlite-wasm-http

I can even do Sqlite's full text search without downloading the entire FTS database. Just most of it, if the search term is short enough.

bryanrasmussen 5 hours ago
>when would I use this to improve a user experience over the traditional server-hosted db model?

just my intuition when I read the headline of this post - something like the interplay between PouchDB and CouchDB for offline first apps


harrisi 5 hours ago
For offline use it can be good when dealing with large amounts of data. Anything from like an audio library to 3D modeling software. Changes can be made locally and persisted and then you can sync things server side regularly or when online again.
outlore 6 hours ago
i’ve been looking for a Tanstack Query style library that is backed by Sqlite (backed by OPFS or some other browser storage) and syncs with an API in the background. Does anything like that exist? i’ve seen ElectricSQL and other sync engines but they are a bit opinionated. I’m pretty new to local-first but i feel like the developer ergonomics are not quite there yet

Meanwhile for “local-only” it would be great to use sqlite in the browser + native file system API so that the db could be stored on the user’s file system and we wouldn’t have to worry about browser storage eviction. i think that could really open up a whole world of privacy preserving offline software delivered through the browser

gagik_co 5 hours ago
I have working to replicate TanStack query experience by writing my own queries wrapped around PowerSync, although actually on Flutter (using Flutter Hooks! which was cool to use coming from React). It’s a very internal design meant for my app tetr[1] right now (and actually being migrated over from Realm). I am hoping to potentially standardize it and publish a package once it’s mature enough but not too wrap to make your own hooks around them for your needs.

[1] https://tetr.app

ochiba 5 hours ago
Not sure if you've looked at PowerSync yet: https://www.powersync.com/ (I'm on the team)

For the read path it hooks into Postgres logical replication or MongoDB change streams (and MySQL binlog soon). It supports partial syncing using declarative rules. For the write path, it allows writing to the local SQLite database and also places writes into an upload queue, and then uses a developer-defined function to upload writes to the backend API.

We did a deep dive on current options for SQLite on the web, and are currently using an IndexedDB-based VFS, and looking to move to OPFS: https://www.powersync.com/blog/sqlite-persistence-on-the-web

We recently released an integration with TanStack Query to allow leveraging some of its features in conjunction with PowerSync: https://docs.powersync.com/client-sdk-references/js-web/java...

> Meanwhile for “local-only” it would be great to use sqlite in the browser + native file system API so that the db could be stored on the user’s file system and we wouldn’t have to worry about browser storage eviction. i think that could really open up a whole world of privacy preserving offline software delivered through the browser

Agreed. This is a limitation of IndexedDB and OPFS as persistent browser storage currently

outlore 52 minutes ago
ooo i haven’t! will check PowerSync out :)
netghost 6 hours ago
ElectricSQL and friends seem to be the best option so far, but they all come with a lot of caveats. It feels like local-first is near, and it's so tantalizing, but I haven't seen anything that feels like it's done enough to build on just yet.
me551ah 5 hours ago
After years of being able to run SQLite on my mobile phone, my tv, my router and gaming consoles, I can finally run it on my browser. Which also happens to be running on the most powerful machine I own
ibash 5 hours ago
surprise! it's been there for decades: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_SQL_Database
adregan 4 hours ago
It was there for a decade: https://caniuse.com/sql-storage
joemi 4 hours ago
I wonder why it was unmaintained/dropped. Was there something wrong with it, and if so, would that also apply to this kind of wasm implementation?
debugnik 3 hours ago
Mozilla refused to support it because then every implementation would have simply used SQLite, which would have promoted any implementation details to a de facto standard. (Even caniuse erroneously describes the feature as "allows SQLite database queries".)

From the latest spec [1]:

> The specification reached an impasse: all interested implementors have used the same SQL backend (Sqlite), but we need multiple independent implementations to proceed along a standardisation path.

[1]: https://www.w3.org/TR/webdatabase/

This won't be a problem for wasm SQLite because it isn't a standard being shipped by browsers, just another dependency.

xyc 3 hours ago
i have a feeling that it set back the web by a decade


akira2501 2 hours ago
Did they really assume that they were going to be able to _restandardize_ SQL? No wonder IndexDB is hot useless garbage.

The standardization issues around SQL already exist, are already widely known, and where common workarounds are already in practice. It's also an open source project that could have _easily_ incorporated compatibility code for this specific use case anyways.

They made blind fealty to process more important than the outcome to end users.

What a waste.

gnarbarian 6 hours ago
How long until we see WebAssembly/WebGPU become a platform independent choice for deploying server side code as well?
stackskipton 5 hours ago
SRE here, it's currently happening in a few parts but overall, it's not as attractive on server side. Server Side code running is mostly a solved problem and for very few organizations, the benefits of WASM don't outweigh any difficulties in getting it running.
6gvONxR4sf7o 3 hours ago
> Server Side code running is mostly a solved problem

I know what you mean here, but I think we're very limited in what we tend to run. Polyglot programming still isn't really a thing, and with things like WASI standardized (someday soon I hope), I could imagine it becoming a lot nicer.

stackskipton 1 hour ago
I feel like Polyglot programming in single app sounds like a nightmare but as non dev, meh, whatever.
evacchi 4 hours ago
Shameless plug for Dylibso's latest beta launch :) https://www.getxtp.com/blog/meet-xtp

disclaimer: I work there

Thaxll 4 hours ago
It's kind of dying on the server, some people thought it would replace containers.
ruined 6 hours ago
as soon as wasi is settled
gnarbarian 5 hours ago

wow I didn't know this was a thing. thanks for filling me in!

paulddraper 6 hours ago

There's a number of WASM platforms/tools: Wasmer, wasmCloud, a few others that escape my memory.

runarberg 57 minutes ago
I’m working on a hobby-project that uses IndexedDB for persistent client-side storage, and it really feels like W3C made some very bad design decision and than instead of fixing they they have just given up on the standard. Issues like not being able to index values in objects in arrays [1] (not even in fixed position e.g. "key.path.[0].value") despite almost a decade of developers asking for it, a very limited query syntax, and even the documentation on MDN seems of very lower quality than the rest of the web docs.

I’m happy that we are actually be able to use SQL in the browser now (although I would rather skip the MBs of the bundle bloat). But I feel like the standards committee will now have even less of a reason to fix the very broken state of IndexedDB.

1: https://github.com/w3c/IndexedDB/issues/35

benthecarman 5 hours ago
Whats needed is a rust-wasm compatible library that can use this.
aabhay 3 hours ago
If you're interested in contributing to that, here is a good place to start (in early discussion stages):


baq 5 hours ago
dang-lover 6 hours ago
I like it
bsimpson 6 hours ago
And we loved you in Lethal Weapon.
akutlay 4 hours ago
Thankss for sharing
szundi 6 hours ago
We like that you like it